DIY projects, Personal setups, Ultralight / Singletrack » Seb’s -Nevada desert set up


Living in the high desert I startedimage riding further and further from the house.  I decided to build my own and save $$ Using a cheap Singer sewing machine and plans from around the Internet.

imageI bought fabric by the yard, straps, buckles and velcro at the store for less than $50.

My first build was the seat bag which ended up sagging a bit, easily fixed with a large Velcro strapped around the bag and under the saddle (can be removed pretty fast) . Inside the bag I fit my Eureka solitaire tent, long sleeve shirt and long pants, food.

Second build was the frame bag which was a lot easier (warning: avoid my first try: I sewed the Velcro backwards and had to take the whole thing apart). Inside I fit an extra water bladder, food, tools, spare tube, first aid kit, pump. Bag is holding up great (only downside is the back of Velcro rubs on frame and discolored it a bit).

Last, I used large Velcro straps to hold my Swiss sports compact sleeping bag and tent poles to the handlebars. (Could use plans for a handlebar system, anyone help?)

Rest of my water and gear fits in my High Sierra  Camelback . (Extra straps, twist ties, sleeping mat).

I have tested the set up on a sub 24 with plans to go longer in future. Overall this set up worked well, in future I will include a book or iPod as it can get lonely once the sun has set (early for desert winters!). For food, I only brought dry goods to make it easier.


Comments (1)

Ole SebergJanuary 25th, 2016 at 11:19 pm

Great DIY setup.

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